Ex-Provo Police Drug Crime

Police Officer Caught on Tape

Troy Brewer, a former police officer for Provo City resigned from the force after it was discovered that he had stolen prescription pills from a residential home. Brewer had first visited the home on a 911 call when he apparently noticed the Lortab pills and then he returned a number of times to the home and stole the pills. The theft was detected from a survelience camera the family had which caught Brewer in the act. The theft was discovered in February 2010 and shortly there after Brewer resigned.

Plea and Penalty

Since the resignation, Brewer has been charged with possession or use of a controlled substance and theft. Just this month Brewer plead guilty to the possession charge and the theft charge was dismissed as per an agreement. Brewer was then sentenced to 6 months probation and a $623 fine, a 15 day jail sentence was suspended.

Provo Drug Crime Defense

The war on drugs has become a very serious issue in America, and as time goes by the penalties for drug offenses continue to become more and more harsh. Drug crimes involve serious consequences and need to be taken seriously. If you are facing drug charges you need an attorney to help protect your rights. Call a Provo Criminal Defense lawyer to make sure you get the best outcome available.

Posted in Utah Drug Crimes

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